twice a day to protect dental health.

twice a day to protect dental health.
Orthodontics is the branch of dentistry concerned with the study of the growth of the craniofacial complex, the development of occlusion and the treatment of dentofacial abnormalities.
Today, the need for orthodontic treatment has increased considerably. Many adults and even some children refuse traditional orthodontic treatment for social reasons. Although ceramic brackets were produced for this purpose, lingual orthodontics represents the only solution from an esthetic point of view.
Invisalign treatment involves a series of clear plastic casings that aim to correct malaligned teeth. These aligners are lightweight and are comfortable to wear. There is no need for labial or lingual braces. Since these aligners are removable, patient compliance is required.
Today, patients prefer minimally invasive procedures with high esthetics. By using bonding system, the colour and form of the teeth can be improved.
Lasers are used to reshape gums, to remove lesions in the mounth, to relieve pain of canker sores and to whiten the teeth.
Today, in the treatment of tooth loss, both aesthetic and function is provided better implants are used.
Tooth decay is a progressive disease and begins in very young children. Early treatment is of great importance to preserve primary teeth. Early loss of primary teeth can cause crowding and malalignment. If a primary tooth is lost prematurely, then space maintainers should be applied.
Bleaching is a chemical procedure to lighten the color of the teeth. It can be performed in the dental office or at home. Lasers are used to speed up in office whitening procedures. As long as the patient avoids certain habits such as using tobacco products, drinking coffee, tea and dark drinks for about two weeks after application, the results could be maintained.
Gum disease is an infection of the gums surrounding the teeth. The first stage is gingivitis which occurs when bacterial palque is not sufficiently removed from the teeth. When left untreated gingivitis can progress into periodontitis affecting bone and ligaments that support the teeth. Non surgical and surgical procedures can be applied for treatment.
If a tooth is damaged by a decay, dental filling is applied to restore the tooth back to its original shape and function. Decayed tooth material is removed and a clean cavity is formed. Then this cavity is filled with special materials. If the tooth is badly decayed, infected or damaged as a result of trauma then root canal treatment is needed. Root canal treatments are performed to relieve tooth pain by removing nerves and dead tissue from the tooth. Then the root canal is filled with a special material and the tooth is restored permanently.
Dental implants are surgically positioned titanium roots to replace missing or damaged teeth. Dental implants function as the natural teeth and require the same care. Dental implants are safe and will last for as long as the patient cares fort hem.
If the orthodontic problem is so severe that niether growth modification nor camouflage offers a solution, then orthognatic surgery is the only possible treatment to reposition the jaws. Orthognatic surgery is performed when the growth is copmleted. It includes three stages. Presurgical orthodontics, surgery and postsurgical orthodontics.
Dental crown is a restoration that completely caps a tooth to restore it back to its original size, shape and color. Porcelain and zirconia crowns are widely used to achieve aesthetically pleasing results. If one or several teeth is missing a fixed dental bridge can be established. We also use veneers to restore fractured, defected or discolored tooth. Veneers are made of composite or porcelain. Veneers are also used to close diastemas between the teeth.
Wisdom teeth are the third molars located in the back of the mouth. Since generally there isn’t enough room for wisdom teeth, they tend to come in at an angle or they don’t fully erupt. They can damage neighboring second molars or they can become decayed or infected.
Our Doctors

high school education in 1997 at Antalya Karatay High School and
graduated from Suleyman Demirel University Faculty of Dentistry in
2003. She worked in a private clinic in Isparta between the years
2005-2006. She worked in her own clinic between the years
2005-2008. She has been working in the Private Sayın Orthodontic
Oral and Dental Health Policlinic since 2008. She has received
special trainings about Implantology, aesthetic dentistry, laser
applications, teeth whitening technique, and surgery.
She is married and mother of two children.


Associate Professor Doctor

Ankara in 1979. She completed her high school education at Antalya
Anatolian High School. She was graduated from Süleyman Demirel
University Faculty of Dentistry in 2002. Between 2003 and 2009,
she completed her specialist education at the Department of
Periodontology at Suleyman Demirel University Faculty of Dentistry.
As of May 2018, she is working as a periodontologist at the Private
Sayın Orthodontic Oral and Dental Health Policlinic.

Periodontologist Dental Specialist

She completed her elementary education at Başöğretmen Atatürk Elementary
School and her high school education at Antalya Anatolian High School in 2006.
She qualified from the School of Dentistry at Istanbul university in 2011 with
a second degree and since then has gained a vast range of clinical experience.
Between 2013 and 2017, she completed her specialist education at the
Department of Pedodontics at Bülent Ecevit University Faculty of Dentistry.
Throughout her specialization, she has continued her scientific studies at
academic level by applying preventive dentistry, dental trauma, regenerative
endodontics, tooth defect treatment as well as filling and tooth extraction
treatments under general anesthesia and sedation. She has posters published
in national and international congresses and articles published in foreign and
domestic journals. As of October, 2017, she is working as a Pedodontist in the
Private Sayın Orthodontic Oral and Dental Health Policlinic.

Pediatric Dental Specialist

She completed her elementary education in Germany and her high school
education at Adnan Menderes Anatolian High School in 2007.
She qualified from the School of Dentistry at Istanbul University in 2012 and
since then has gained a vast range of clinical experience. In 2014, she joined
the three year postgraduate specialist training program in Endodontics at the
Dentistry Faculty of Akdeniz University. Throughout her specialization,
she has continued her scientific studies at academic level by applying
dental lesion and cyst treatments, dental trauma, regenerative endodontics,
tooth defect treatment like root resorptions and endobleaching.
As of January, 2018, she is working as a Endodontist in the Private
Sayın Orthodontic Oral and Dental Health Policlinic.
She speaks two languages, German and English.
Endodontic Dental Specialist